10 Tips for the Best Project Status Report

Doug Vincent
Doug Vincent
June 12, 2024
10 Tips for the Best Project Status Report

Reporting on capital projects generally sucks to do and is worse to read. For project managers, the ability to gather information quickly and efficiently for reporting to key decision makers is crucial to on-time and on-budget completion A well-designed Project Status Report or monthly report can be a game-changer, providing a clear, concise view of what's going on.  

In this blog, we provide 10 Essential Tips that will help you build the best capital works project or program dashboard.

1. Identify the Project Status Report's Purpose

Understanding who will use the Project Status Report and what it aims to achieve is crucial. Perhaps it is for a monthly report, PCG meeting, project status update, or capital works committee? Start by addressing the key questions your audience seeks answers to. This step ensures your dashboard or report is tailored to its intended users and their decision-making needs.

10 Tips for the Best Project Status Report: An image of four profile photos for a project status report.

2. Focus on the Most Important Information

Less is more! Resist the urge to overload your Project Status Report or monthly report. Balance detail and simplicity by considering what your audience really needs to know and what can be left out. If you don’t know, ask the recipient “What are the key questions this dashboard for answer for you when you look at it?” and you’ll have your answer!  

10 Tips for the Best Project Status Report: An example image of how to include the most important details in a status report.

3. Reduce Clutter and Maximize Screen Real Estate

A clean, well-organized Project Status Report enhances user experience. Use visual separation between elements, maintain a high data-to-ink ratio, eliminating anything that doesn't communicate valuable report information. Embrace empty space; it's not just okay, it's often beneficial.

10 Tips for the Best Project Status Report: an image of examples of what a status report should and should not look like.

4. Consider the Reading Layout

People naturally start looking at the top left of a screen, so place your most critical information there. A good Project Status Report will often provide an “Anchor” top left such as the Project’s hero image. Structure your dashboard or monthly report so that it aligns with natural reading patterns, so assume the eye goes to the right from the Anchor.

10 Tips for the Best Project Status Report: an image of a status report layout.

5. Bottom Line Upfront: Use Summary Tiles

Present key Project Status Report data points upfront using summary tiles in a call out. Simplify complex information into bite-sized, easily digestible numbers rounded appropriately so you can accelerate comprehension.

10 Tips for the Best Project Status Report: an image of a summary tiles.

6. Group Related Metrics

Organize related metrics in a coherent manner on the Project Status Report. For example, group all cash flow-related data together, making it easier for users to find and interpret the information. This might mean you have a cash flow chart, with a cash flow table underneath, followed by cash flow written commentary – all close together!

10 Tips for the Best Project Status Report: an image of a group related metrics.

7. Select the Right Visualization

Choose visualization types (like bars, donuts, etc.) that best represent your Project Status Report's data. Use consistent colors to indicate similar types of data or status. For example, if you use green to show  'paid/actuals’ on one chart, use the same green elsewhere for paid/actual data.

10 Tips for the Best Project Status Report: an example of a right visualization.

8. Provide Context

Adding context to your Project Status Report is crucial for understanding, otherwise people might not know what they are reading. Use elements like info buttons to offer additional details like 'last updated' timestamps, big number tiles to show the headline count or statistics, and if the data is up or down from the last report, provide a visual indicator.

10 Tips for the Best Project Status Report: visual data context.

9. Leverage Tooltips and Drilldowns

If you’re able to use a digital interactive Project Status Report, enhance the dashboard’s by moving detailed information to tooltips and drilldowns. These elements provide additional layers of information, making the dashboard not just informative but interactive.

10 Tips for the Best Project Status Report: a detailed information of tooltips and drilldowns.

10. Be Flexible and Evolve

Remember, it's okay to break the rules and adapt based on feedback. Continuously evolve your Project Status Report to better suit the changing needs and preferences of your recipients! Proactively ask “How can this dashboard be improved?”


Mastt's approach to Project Status Report design focuses on clarity, efficiency, and user-friendliness. By following these tips, you can create dashboards that not only look great but also provide meaningful insights, helping you to make informed decisions in your capital projects. Check out these examples we made to help guide!

Portfolio Report

10 Tips for the Best Project Status Report: an image of a Construction Program

Program Report

10 Tips for the Best Project Status Report: An image of a Construction Program. https://www.mastt.com/

Board Project Status Report

10 Tips for the Best Project Status Report: An example of a Status Report.

Project Status Report

10 Tips for the Best Project Status Report: A Project Status Report

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