
Features that change your life

Report, monitor and control your projects & programs like a pro.
Create dashboards, automate reports, administer contracts and more today!

Advanced Filtering & Sorting

Sort, filter, search and group data easily through the user inteface.

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Auditing & History

Maintain a detailed log of all changes for compliance and record-keeping.

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Budget Changes

Add, remove or transfer funds to and from budgets or sub-budgets easily.

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Budget Tags

Tag budgets to roll-up and aggregate common WBS items, cost codes & contingencies at program and portfolio levels.

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Manage Budgets, Sub-Budgets. Add, remove or transfer funds easily between budgets.

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Cash Flow Forecasting

Fast, easy cash flow forecasting. Automated actuals and reconciliation with budgets.

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Identify the cause of a risk and apply impacts & treatments.

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Chart, Table & Visual Library

Create amazing dashboards and reports effortlessly with Mastt's automated, ready-to-use library of visualizations.

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Cloud Access

Access Mastt securely from any browser, on any device, anywhere, anytime!

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Digitise and automate your contract, line items, retentions & payment certificates.

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Cost Tracker

Automate financial project controls, including budgets, contracts, payments, forecasting & more in a single table for projects or programs.

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Customize & Configure

Customize & configure dashboards, charts, maps, visualizations, tables and other components right out of the box!

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Fast & automated dashboards, reports. Charts, maps, visualizations and other components out of the box!

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Data Extract

Easily extract and download project data in the format you need.

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Documents & Attachments

Store key documents and attach things within Mastt to keep all the important things in one spot

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Forecast & Uncommitted

Create uncommitted line items for potential changes, scope, work elements, risks, anything!

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Gallery & Images

Directly upload and store images for display in dashboards and reports.

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Guest Access & Collaboration

Invite external organizations and users to your projects and programs easily.

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Monitor the health of your project portfolio with Red, Green & Amber reporting for Key Performance Indicators.

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Impacts (Consequences)

Add impacts to a risk and assess the pre-treatment likelihood and impact rating.

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Simplify crazy gantt charts and accurately track key milestones. Report schedules with fast, easy and intuitive lifecycle visualizations

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Visualize and manage your project portfolio effectively with Mastt’s comprehensive Maps feature.

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Simplify crazy gantt charts and accurately track key milestones. Report schedules with fast, easy and intuitive milestone visualizations.

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Self serve help, videos, guides and training for easy onboarding today.

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Payment Schedules & Certificates

Digitise and automate payment schedules and certificates.

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Track and define project phases with automated phase schedule visualizations. Create quick and simple schedule reports in no time.

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Program Dashboard

Automated program and portfolio dashboards, reports that automate data aggregation in real-time.

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Progress Claims

Digitise and automate progress claim management, retentions and payment certificates.

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Project Roll Up & Aggregate

Automatically roll-up and aggregate projects into programs, portfolios, regions, assets and more.

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Project Templates

Save time & bring forward lessons learned with template projects that include pre populated data.

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Create weekly, monthly or quarterly reports quickly and easily.

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Easily calculate and apply retentions against payments. Produce payment certificates automatically.

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Risk Matrix

Configure a 5x5 or 4x4 risk matrix to assess risk likelihood and impacts.

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Risk Register

Eliminate spreadsheet risk registers with a single, easy to use table for project & program risks.

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Single Sign On

Sign on easily with Azure Active Directory, Microsoft SSO or Okta SSO.

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Create snapshots on demand for storing reports, comparing periods, healthy data & version management.

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Tasks & Actions

Track and manage tasks and actions to ensure project progress and accountability.

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Create best practice dashboard & report templates for everyone across your program, business or department.

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Text Summary & Descriptions

Incorporate fast text updates into your dashboards, reports and presentations for greater context.

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Treatments (Mitigations)

Add treatments to reduce the impact or likelihood of a risk occuring.

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Upload Data

Quickly upload project data from spreadsheets and other sources with copy + paste, drag drop or import.

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Digitise and automate your variation register, process and certificates.

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Work Breakdown Structure

Break down project budgets into detailed, manageable components for accurate tracking and control.

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Take control of every step in your Capital Project lifecycle