3 AIPM Memberships to Elevate Your PM Career

John Fisher
John Fisher
March 5, 2024
3 AIPM Memberships to Elevate Your PM Career

The AIPM represents the standard of project management professionalism in Australia. It is dedicated to setting the benchmark for excellence through its advocacy for best practices, provision of prestigious certifications like the CPPM (Certified Practicing Project Manager), and organisation of hallmark events such as the AIPM Conference and AIPM Awards. This role is critically important in sectors overseeing capital works projects, where the expertise of highly skilled project managers is in constant demand.

What is an AIPM Membership?

Joining AIPM as a member declares one's commitment to the highest project management standards. It opens a gateway to a treasure trove of resources, networking platforms, and continuous professional development opportunities.  

AIPM membership is crucial for professionals at all levels, from junior project managers to senior project leaders, aiming to navigate their career paths confidently and competently.

Here are three AIPM memberships you can leverage – either as an individual or an organisation – to help propel your PM career to new heights.  

3 AIPM Memberships  

Student Membership: Launching Project Management Careers

3 AIPM Memberships to Elevate Your PM Career: A group of students discussing in front of a laptop.
AIPM's Student Membership is for those pursuing education in project management or related fields.

The Student Membership is specifically designed for those pursuing education in project management or related fields, offering a stepping stone into the professional world. This membership is a valuable resource for students to connect with seasoned professionals, gain industry insights, and access educational materials crucial for their career development.  

It is an ideal starting point for aspiring project managers seeking to make their mark in the Australian landscape.

Becoming a member:

  • Requirements: Enrolment proof in a recognised educational program. Membership fees range from $30 to $50 AUD annually.
  • Perks and Benefits: Discounted access to AIPM's wealth of resources, networking events, and industry insights.
  • Membership Duration: Valid for the duration of the student's academic course.  

Individual Membership: Advancing Professional Careers

3 AIPM Memberships to Elevate Your PM Career: a photo of a woman drinking in a cup looking at the laptop.
AIPM's Individual Membership is best for individuals in PM roles like a client side project manager.

Ideal for professionals actively engaged in project management roles such as assistant project managers, client side project managers, and project leaders, the Individual Membership is the key to unlocking a world of professional recognition, development, and certification opportunities.  

This membership is crucial for those looking to enhance their credentials through AIPM's recognised certifications, such as the CPPM, providing a pathway to career advancement and professional growth within the Australian project management community.

Becoming a member:

  • Requirements: Demonstrated experience in project management roles. Membership fees range from $300 to $450 AUD annually.
  • Perks and Benefits: Access to AIPM certifications, exclusive professional development events, and industry resources.
  • Membership Duration: Annually renewable, ensuring ongoing professional development and networking opportunities.

Organisation Membership: Elevating Organisational Standards

3 AIPM Memberships to Elevate Your PM Career: PM Consultants or consultation firms can get AIPM's Organisation Membership to align company practices with industry standards.
PM Consultants or consultation firms can get AIPM's Organisation Membership to align company practices with industry standards.

The Organisation Membership is tailored for companies and organisations embarking on project management endeavours. It serves as a cornerstone for aligning organisational practices with the pinnacle of industry standards, promoting a culture of project management excellence across teams.

This membership is instrumental for organisations in Australia seeking to leverage collective insights, best practices, and standards to drive success in complex capital projects and works.

Becoming a member:

  • Requirements: Application by the organisation, with fees adjusted based on size and type, ranging from $1,500 to $7,000 AUD annually.
  • Perks and Benefits: Group discounts, recognition within the project management community, and access to innovative resources and training.
  • Membership Duration: Subject to annual renewal, with terms tailored to organisational needs.

Why Pursue an AIPM Membership?

Securing an AIPM membership is a strategic move for those dedicated to excelling in the Australian project management field. It signifies a commitment to professional excellence and opens doors to a network of resources, industry insights, and opportunities for career progression.  

For professionals and organisations involved in managing capital works projects, AIPM membership is a gateway to success, offering critical resources and community support essential for navigating the complexities of project management in Australia.

Elevate Your PM Career with an AIPM Membership

An AIPM Membership goes beyond being a mere credential; it represents a commitment to joining a community dedicated to advancing project management as a distinguished profession.  

Whether embarking on your career journey, aiming to escalate your professional trajectory, or striving to benchmark your organisation against industry bests, AIPM offers memberships tailored to propel your project management aspirations to new heights.  

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