Part 2: Mastt vs Power BI. Dashboard evolutions for construction professionals

Doug Vincent
Doug Vincent
August 7, 2023
Part 2: Mastt vs Power BI. Dashboard evolutions for construction professionals

The evolution of Construction Dashboards

In part one of this series, we explored the key differences between Mastt vs Power BI when used to analyse performance of capital works construction programs. In this post, we delve deeper into how both systems cope with changing dashboard requirements from project owners and the associated challenges of updating to meet client needs.

Put in plainer terms, how well do both systems adapt to ongoing customisations, providing flexibility and efficiency in adapting to changing data analysis needs?

The Limitations of Static Dashboards

When construction consulting professionals initially implement Power BI dashboards, they gain valuable insights by visualising their data. This is a powerful first step, however, as capital programs progress and evolve - often over multiple years - the needs of the dashboard change as decision making matures with the newly available data insights.

The static nature of Power BI dashboards means they are limited in their ability to adapt and provide new metrics, comparisons, or historical data analysis that align with the shifting project requirements.

Part 2: Mastt vs Power BI. Dashboard evolutions for construction professionals: CIP projects with specified locations.
Power BI dashboards improve on Excel's capabilities ... but they are still static by nature

Dashboard Modification in Power BI: a complex process

Modifying existing dashboards in Power BI can be a time-consuming and complex process. Construction professionals often find themselves needing to invest significant effort to restructure the Power BI data model, rework data collection methods to ensure data accuracy, and then re-do the dashboard layout. And this is on top of a significant level of Power BI training required just to complete these tasks. For Power Bi users who are not deeply experienced, this can be a daunting task tackling necessary configurations like managing data relationships.

This begs the question as to whether this is good use of the highly trained construction consultant's time?

Changing Power BI dashboards also introduces the risk of data inconsistencies and errors, which can undermine the reliability of a dashboard and impede effective decision-making.

Mastt's Adaptive Dashboards

By contrast, Mastt offers a dynamic and customisable dashboard approach that addresses the challenges faced by construction professionals.

Unlike Power BI, Mastt's adaptive dashboards allow end users to modify their dashboards and reports without the need for extensive technical training or experience. With Mastt, construction professionals have the flexibility to adapt their dashboards to changing project needs seamlessly.

These dashboards include real-time information, data normalisation, and enable users to create standardised dashboard "templates" that can be re-used across multiple projects in an organisation. This allows PM teams to easily collaborate to answer critical questions such as "what has changed?” without additional effort, and easily share new dashboards as they mature in the application.

By seamlessly integrating and aggregating real-time data, Mastt enhances the agility of the dashboard process, increases operational tempo and allows for prompt decision-making based on the most up-to-date information.

Empower construction teams with agile data insights

The ability to efficiently modify dashboards saves client-side project manager time and effort, and allows these professionals to focus on analysing data and making informed choices.

The value of Mastt's adaptive dashboards extends beyond efficiency gains. With a user-friendly interface and the ability to adapt and scale dashboards, professionals can confidently navigate evolving project requirements and ensure that their data insights remain valuable and actionable.

Mastt: A simpler alternative to Power BI

While Power BI provides initial value in creating dashboards for construction professionals, the challenges arise when the needs of the dashboard and underlying data sets change over time. The effort required to modify the dashboards, redefine data collection methods, and maintain data consistency can be overwhelming and sometimes, insurmountable without external specialist help.  

By contrast, Mastt offers an adaptive approach to dashboards, enabling seamless modifications, real-time data integration, and streamlined data analysis. By embracing Mastt, project & program management consultants and asset owners can overcome the limitations of static dashboards, unlock agile data insights, and enhance their decision-making capabilities. With Mastt's user-friendly interface and adaptable dashboarding capabilities, construction consulting professionals can confidently navigate evolving project requirements, harness the power of their data, and drive successful outcomes in the dynamic construction industry.

Part 3: Power BI vs Mastt ... becoming AI-ready

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