

Simplify crazy gantt charts and accurately track key milestones. Report schedules with fast, easy and intuitive lifecycle visualizations

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Simplify crazy gantt charts and accurately track key milestones. Report schedules with fast, easy and intuitive lifecycle visualizations

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Lifecycle In Mastt

Communicate and report your project lifecycle, phases and key dates with a simple, intuitive tool with built in data visualziations. Mastt allows you to:

  • Create Project Schedules: Break down your project into simple, key milestones and phases for clear progress tracking.
  • Track Key Dates: Maintain baseline, planned and actual dates for all key milestones and phases.
  • Report Visualizations: Effectively communicate progress and insights into milestone performance.
  • Create Templates: Save your best-practice milestone & phase templates to ensure consistency across your project portfolio.
  • Roll Up / Aggregate: Aggregate milestones across many projects to see what's coming up or deconflict across a project portfolio.

Discover more below. 👇

What is a Lifecycle?

Milestones are major points or events that occur on a capital project. Milestones will generally fall within a 'phase' (e.g. Design, Planning, Construction phases) and indicate a critical point of progress when achieved on a project. Milestones and Phases together provide a standardized 'Lifecycle' and a framework for monitoring, controlling and reporting on projects, programs and portfolios.

Note: The process of accurately identifying when milestones will be achieved in the future is often completed in critical path tools such as Microsoft Project or Primavera, which provide an input to the Lifecycle.

Challenges Managing Lifecycles

Common challenges we see in managing milestones include:

No Standardization: Project and Project Owners dont know what key milestones matter for decision making across the portfolio.

Gantt Charts Not Good: No key decision maker or stakeholder wants to sift throught a gantt chart to find key dates.

Poor Reporting: Milestones are reported in a basic table without context.

No Connection to Spend: Milestone achievement generally comes at a cost and rarely the two are presented together.

No Portfolio View: Gantt charts impossible to aggregate or combine across projects, making a simple 'What's Next?' huge effort to discover.

Cool spreadsheet, looks ......easy to use.....

Mastt Lifecycle Solutions

💡 Simple & Easy To Understand: Key dates, slippage and 'what's next?' presented clearly and visually.

💡 Interactive Charts: Monitor and report milestone performance with out of the box charts and tables.

💡 Standardized: Easily create and apply a standardized lifecycle across project portfolios for consistent reporting.

💡 Data Aggregation: Automate milestone aggregation at portfolio level for comprehensive milestone reporting.

See all project lifecycles easily

Lifecycle Features

Mastt’s user-friendly milestone management tools include:

🔷 Add Milestones: Forecast planned dates, set baselines, and record actual completion dates.

🔷 Slip/Gain Analysis: Identify and track milestone slippage or gains against baseline dates.

🔷 Phase Assignment: Assign milestones to specific phases within the project lifecycle.

🔷 Key Milestones: Mark critical milestones for hold points, decisions, or critical junctures.

🔷 Comments: Add contextual comments to milestones.

🔷 Templates: Save and apply milestone templates across multiple projects.

🔷 Charts and Visualizations: Visualize milestones at project and portfolio levels, with downloadable charts for reports.

🔷 Auto Reporting: Automatically generate schedule-related reports for seamless communication and analysis.

Analyze project lifecycle timeline with ease.

Lifecycles Best Practice

Top tips for managing milestones:

🟢 Define Clear Milestones: Establish well-defined milestones

🟢 Standardize Templates: Use standardized templates for consistency.

🟢 Regular Monitoring: Keep a close eye on progress and address issues promptly.

🟢 Review and Refine: Continuously improve your milestone management practices, introduce and remove milestones as required.

Step by Step Guides

Are you a Mastt user? For detailed information about this feature, please visit this Help Page article. You can also explore more articles at help.mastt.com.

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Andrew Benn, WSP Technical Director

"With Mastt, our client can see the status of the project anytime, reducing back and forth queries, and not having to wait until the end of the month to receive a monthly report."

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Rebecca White, RPS Program Manager

"Mastt has saved our team significant time and effort in managing the financials elements of 65+projects. The team now has total visibility over their individual projects as well as the overarching program of works."

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Erik Maasepp, Capital Insight Senior Project Manager

"Mastt takes away a lot of user error that spreadsheets bring. With Mastt, we are able to combine multiple projects into programs or portfolios for management level analysis and direction."

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CAPT. Dan Foley, Army Digital Transformation Manager

"Mastt is increasing the team’s tempo and productivity by enabling real time information across our portfolio of projects. This transparency is assisting us to make informed decisions, to identify opportunities and reduce the risk."

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Dan Atkins, Jacobs National Program Manager

"Mastt's ability to record critical financial information as well as program forecasted delivery and milestones put Jacobs in a favourable position to our clients."

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Mohammed Salameh, Compass' Associate Director

"Moving to Mastt is one of the best decisions my team has ever made. It’s cost-effective, easy to use, and a quick set up."

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Fergus Bruce, Project Manager at WSP

"A key factor in our decision to adopt Mastt is its user-friendliness. It had to continue to empower us to work smart, allowing us to consistently deliver excellence across multiple sectors and geographic regions."

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Take control of every step in your Capital Project lifecycle