More than $50b of Major Projects Infrastructure experience (Alliance, D&C and PPP)Industry insights for Super / Hedge FundsParticular skills in understanding / managing the multi-discipline teams within a Major Project. Ensuring that relationships between various silos are fully understood from day 1 - to inform decisions during the complete life cycle of a project (Pre-Contracts, Delivery, etc.).
From Payments to Portfolio, your end to end solution to save time, costs and accelerate Capital Projects.
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Free Best Practice Project Report Template. Ready to use Microsoft Word format.
A simple and coherent plan to help you easily identify and deal with potential risks to your business
Ready to use professional Project Dashboard Pack in PowerPoint format, including Board Report, Complex Dashboard, Portrait Dashboard and Simple Dashboard.
This 10 Point checklist will help you design an effective capital project, capital program, board or reporting dashboard. Great for client side project managers!