Planned Performance, founded by Justin Gordon, provides asset management and project consultancy services across both Public and Private sector. With specialist experience in sensitive operational assets, we support your organisation in delivering leading asset management and capital investment portfolios to deliver outcomes which achieve your organisation’s objectives.Collaboration is at the core of our service delivery, providing outcomes to our clients which are achieved though harnessing and applying the value each project stakeholder has to contribute towards your objectives.Our goal is to support our client’s journey creating assets which are conceptualised, planned, delivered and perform to your business needs.Take control of your asset’s life cycle, challenge what is achievable, and invest in delivering Planned Performance.
From Payments to Portfolio, your end to end solution to save time, costs and accelerate Capital Projects.
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Free Best Practice Project Report Template. Ready to use Microsoft Word format.
A simple and coherent plan to help you easily identify and deal with potential risks to your business
Ready to use professional Project Dashboard Pack in PowerPoint format, including Board Report, Complex Dashboard, Portrait Dashboard and Simple Dashboard.
This 10 Point checklist will help you design an effective capital project, capital program, board or reporting dashboard. Great for client side project managers!